
Hello, I'm Becky, the florist behind the flowers (and every other aspect of the business) at Starry Skies. I'm originally from Northumberland but now live in Glasgow after a few years living in Edinburgh in between and I love Scotland - especially it's big night skies! I now live in southside with my husband and little girl Stella, who I named the business and shop after. ​​Working with flowers for special events feels like a meeting of art, nature and design which are things I've always been interested in and gravitate towards.
I count myself lucky that I now get to practice these elements as part of my job, and also work with them to create something special and unique to mark other people's memorable occasions. ​In 2024 I opened my studio and shop in the Southside of Glasgow. It's tucked away on Battlefield Avenue where I do my floristry, and studio work like weddings , as well as have the retail front for for plants, flowers and gifts. It's also somewhere where clients can pop in and discuss flowers for any upcoming events or occasions they might have. So feel free to pop in anytime and say hello! ​Becky